Power Features of Smart Electric Car Charging System in Singapore

 The smart charging facility is evolving the EV charging ecosystem as a whole. Electric car charger in Singapore is gaining in popularity.

How does smart charging for EVs works?

Smart charging is all about connecting the electric car to the charging point.  As soon as you plugged in the vehicle, the charging station sends a notification such as charging time, charging speed, etc. either by Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to a centralized cloud-based management platform. You may also receive additional information like how energy is utilized in the existing Electric car charging site in Singapore or the local grid’s capacity. The details of the data can be visualized and analyzed in real-time by the software. This enables automated decisions regarding how and when electric cars are charged.

The charging operators use either a website or mobile application to remotely control and regulate daily energy usage. To add more, the EV owner can also use a mobile app to monitor and pay for their vehicle charging sessions from anywhere and anytime.

Powerful features of smart charging in Singapore:

With the rise of electric car charger in Singapore, users are likely to enjoy more features with time. The three most powerful features of smart charging are-

Power sharing:

Power sharing is also known as leveling or load balancing and enables businesses and network operators to evenly distribute the energy capacity across all EV charging stations with multiple chargers onsite. Each charging site has limited power capacity which means if there is demand for more power, it would require more upgradation of electrical infrastructure. However, smart charging ensures that the power is optimally distributed to every charging site to avoid any such upgradation.

Power boost:

Power boost or peak shaving is an interesting feature of smart charging. It prevents you from exceeding your house's maximum energy capacity. Using more electricity than planned is not a good idea, especially when you're charging EVs at home.  Also, you're charged extra by the energy provider. However, a power boost helps in balancing the power load dynamically among the devices and the charger in the house. If you reach a maximum limit, the smart charging control system automatically minimizes the amount of power being consumed by the electric car. It may also stop the charging session until enough power is restored again.

Electric Car Charger Singapore

Dynamic power sharing:

Dynamic power-sharing (DPS) combines the features of power sharing and a power boost to allow a building's demand to be monitored or measured against its maximum allowable power capacity. If the building's demand is lower than the maximum capacity, the remaining available power is supplied to the charging network and vice versa.

To conclude, a smart charging system automatically and proportionately distributes the available energy among all charging sites. Several companies supply EV charging wallboxes to the charging stations. One such renowned company is Interwell. They are one of the pioneering installers of commercial EV charger wallboxes in Singapore.
